Learn More about the Maple Plain Fire Department

Core Services

Rescue Response

Maple Plain Fire Department along with local Police Departments responds to all medical calls placed to 911 in our coverage area. Maple Plain Firefighters are trained and state certified Emergency Medical Responders, Emergency Medical Technicians or Emergency Medical Paramedics. Maple Plain Fire provides the initial 5-20 minutes of care to a patient who is experiencing sickness, trauma or other ailments. Maple Plain Fire also performs specialized rescues in confined space, water or an ice rescue.

Fire Suppression

Maple Plain Fire Department responds to all structure fires, wildland fires, Hazardous Material Releases, carbon monoxide alarms and fire alarm calls. All MPFD Firefighters are highly trained firefighters that will work hard to extinguish all fires in a safe operational manner. Maple Plain Fire also responds to alarm calls throughout our fire district. If you see smoke or hear an alarm, make sure to call 911.

Car Crash Response

Maple Plain Fire Department has a rich history in responding to car crashes across the metro. Maple Plain Fire was one of the first and only “Jaws of Life” in Hennepin county when the tool first came out. MPFD was called to many car crashes to assist other departments. With this history, Car Crash response is a service to our community our firefighters take great pride in. These calls many times can result in tragic outcomes, however, our firefighters handle these calls with great compassion and treat those involved as one of our own family members.

Fire Prevention and Fire Education

Maple Plain Fire takes great pride in educating all ages of our community in fire prevention and what to do if you find yourself victim to a fire. Fire Prevention Education comes in the form of Home or Business Fire Safety Inspections, Classroom Education, Fire Truck Tours, and a meeting with the Fire Chief or a Firefighter.

Learn More about the Maple Plain Fire Department